👋🏻 I’m Rachel, founder of Little Learners - a kids activity that teaches early writing through play. I became a franchisor at 24 and since then grown a network of over 30 franchisees in the UK & Australia, won awards, been listed in power lists and became an author. 

🧠 In March 2022, I was diagnosed with ADHD at 31. I’ve spent some time reflecting on my life & the struggles connected to how my brain works. I typically masked at primary school, however at secondary school I struggled. Routine, focus, RSD were difficult and exams were a challenge. I did get to uni and ultimately began my teaching career. However, a few years in, I had my son and my world changed. I developed an early writing programme for under 5s; which formed the essence of my #business. It became my hyperfocus and while others around me worried about the risk, for me it was all systems go! 

😩 But then along came Covid. There couldn’t have been many worse businesses to own during a pandemic than MESSY PLAY, but my ADHD helped me explore new ideas. During lockdown I also started to explore why I struggled with certain things. I spoke to my GP who referred me - but there was 2 year wait! I decided to go private but unfortunately that consultation was far from enlightening. I was told ‘You can’t have ADHD and run the business you do!’ & he recommended yoga! 

🧡 Luckily my GP encouraged another opinion & I was diagnosed with combined type ADHD. 1 year on & medication has helped with aspects such as #overwhelm, focus & the ‘noise in my head’. It’s not a ‘cure-all’ however - I still have my struggles. But I’m learning to love some of the strengths my ADHD provides - risk taking, vivid imagination, having a big heart & being #authentic. I’ve also started to step out of my comfort zone to help spread awareness by speaking on stage (something I would NEVER have done!), mentoring businesses, sharing on Instagram alongside hosting live chats with fellow ADHDers. 

I’m proud to be part of the ADHD community ; supporting each other through our highs & lows! Know you’re not alone! 🫶🏻

Post by Rachel Fay
June 24, 2023


Fancy joining my award-winning team?

It really is as fun as it looks! 

Teaching children early writing through messy play. 

Take control. Grow your own business. Work flexibly. 

Make YOUR mark!